Are any of you in St. Pius' STAND chapter? If you don't know what it is, its a grassroots, student-led organization that focuses on education about the genocides and crimes against humanity happening right now and advocates for change. We as a chapter are having a hard time broadening our horizons and reaching more people in the school and community to teach others and inspire them to make a difference.
Right now I'm sure you're wondering what this has to do with our study of food ethics and how it correlates with the environment. I bet you're thinking that our little project will not change anything. You're probably saying something something like, "Well this is awesome, but who will listen?" I will admit, I struggle with this almost everyday. Who cares about a bunch of junior English students posting on blogs? Sometimes I feel like I'm standing at the base of a mountain with no way across. Its hard to imagine actually causing any change. But what I realized was that we must unite as a whole to create this change. While I was researching our book's website,, I came across many expert resources that the author, Anna Lappe, praises. One of them is Food and Water Watch ( ). I began to research its organization and I just couldn't stop! What made me think about the connection to Stand is that Food and Water Watch is a non-profit organization that helps educate and advocate for safe food and water for the world in ways that keep the environment healthy. It gives everyday people the tools to advocate for change. They even offer internships! This website was such an inspiration for me that I'm already thinking about applying! I hope you use this resource and any others on the takeabite website to make healthy choices for you and the world you call home.
On a separate, yet related, note, I began to read Diet for a Hot Planet by Anna Lappe, and boy do I want to go out to my backyard and plant a fully sustainable garden to supply the neighborhood! It is such a great and useful book! Did you know that we are completely ignoring all of the signs and helpful hints our planet is giving us. We need to use our rapidly expanding technology to tap into nature's natural treasures and not completely root out all normalcy in the world. Supporters of industrial food say that decreasing the amounts of processed food will increase hangar rates in the world, but experts say that if we continue at this rate, the climate will change so much that soon 40% of the grain crops will disappear -- increasing the hunger rate even more.
These are only a few examples of what the food industry is doing to our environment, not to mention our bodies and culture. Are they even making real food anymore? Do they not see that they are replacing sugar, flour, and salt with multi-syllabic chemicals? No, all they see is money. We must take it upon ourselves to change the world...or no one else will. Be the change you want to see in the world. Act now and live without regret.
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