I realize that this is sort of branching off the the thing I just posted, but once I read a bit about the global warming effect of the food industry, it seemed like a good topic to continue with. Especially for a book post.
So we all know kind of what global warming is. But how food affects it is definitely not a common topic for conversation. However, Anna Lappe kicks her book off with it, and it really is an overlooked subject. Like I threw in my last post, 1/3 of Greenhouse Gases come from the agricultural business. That's a substantial amount more than all the vehicles around the world. We as Americans tend to focus a lot on green solutions for cars, which is definitely important, but how about the water bottles we throw away, the food we waste, the plastic bags from the grocery we toss (these can be reused for so many things!). Not eating locally can be a huge problem as well. If you get a local apple as opposed to an apple from across the country, or world for that matter, you cut massive amounts of fossil fueled transport out. Fresher food are better, seeing as processed foods take more plastic and energy to produce.
This is a pretty awesome website if you feel the need to check it out. It relates to just this subject, and actually is a page for a book. I haven't read it yet but it looks like an excellent read for the future.
(Just one more page for some interesting stats... http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentid=6604 ).
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