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Monday, March 14, 2011

Endangered Bees

The guest on the Colbert Report tonight was Mark Moffett, a photographer for National Geographic, author, and bug expert who was spreading word about how important bees are to the production of the food we eat every day. And all the healthiest foods require "pollinators" like bees to act as intermediaries to bring pollen to different plants to create genetic diversity among the plant species and not only make the plants that much more resilient in their own environments, but also much healthier for us. He also explains how bees are involved in every aspect of agriculture, from food to clothing, and without them (and pollinators in general), farming would drastically decrease potentially cease to happen. Additionally, Moffett has a website called pollinator.org which provides a lot of information about pollinators, and what we can do to help and keep the environment safe for them so they can go on to pollinate another day.

Here is a link to the bit from the Colbert Report:


  1. And the bees are in danger!!! If you go one exit down to Chamblee-Tucker, there is a do-it-yourself pest control shop, and they have an active bee hive. It's really cool!

  2. Good post Philip! When thinking about agricultural and food I never really think about insects and the role the play in the ecosystem, but your post has made me consider the important role those cute little bumble bees play in the ecosystem and the food we eat.
    - Quinn Rhodes
