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Friday, February 25, 2011

GMO's: Have It [Altered] Your Way

  So in class we have done quite a bit of discussion about GMO's. Well, I found this great article that gives an unbiased look into GMO's. It gives opinions from both sides of the arguments and has statements from our dear friends at Monsanto. This article covers topics that other people are blogging about as well, so you guys should really give it a read! But the article even states that, "most scientists agree the main safety issues of genetically modified engineered crops involve not people but the environment." In general though, after reading this article I'd have to side with the author when she says that they may potentially have great benefits but they also potentially have horrific risks. More research needs to be performed, more data needs to be collected, and more people need to be informed!


  1. EXCELLENT ARTICLE! This is a qualified essay, showing how the issue is not just a black/white one, but full of complicated sub-issues.

    Everyone should read this. While I can understand the POTENTIAL of bio-engineered food, I am still not comfortable with TRANSGENIC. I think it's a bit like creating Frankenstein's monster.

  2. It is definently a double edged sword. There is great potential in these advances, but caution is necessary. The security measures taken aid in stopping visible consequences, but what are the unforeseen ones?

  3. While the GMO food may not be the best food for our health, I thought it was interesting that they mentioned how it could address world wide problems such as food shortages and hunger.
